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Volaris activates PECPAT protocol and strengthens the fight against child trafficking

Volaris continues with actions to promote crime prevention, hand in hand with the authorities, the Mexican airline successfully activated the International Code ECPAT the name is derived by its initials in the English language: End Child Prostitution, Pornography, and Trafficking of children.


Code of Conduct or The Code, an international code of social responsibility for the protection of children and adolescents, against commercial sexual exploitation in the travel and tourism industry.”

Since the ECPAT activation, the Mexican airline has trained Ambassadors in the field of protection of children’s rights and for this year it established a calendar with the objective of training its crew face-to-face.

Lately Ambassadors notified the destination airport authorities and government security, about a possible case, on their flight.


Ambassadors reach and indicated to the Volaris Operations Control Center to notify the captain on board about the activation of the ECPAT Code on the flight.

The parents of a 14 years old minor and the Station Manager notified the destination airport, that the girl had been contacted by strangers via social networks and was being transferred by them, in an illicit manner.”

During the landing maneuvers, the crew approached with the small one to verify that she was well, act according to the established safety protocol.

“Upon disembarking, members of the Federal Preventive Police (PFP) were already on the platform, as well as the Attorney General’s Office (PGR).”


Volaris continues to work on crime prevention, the authorities detained those involved people who were accompanying the minor who remained in the custody of the National System for the Integral Development of the Family, waiting to meet their parents.


Since 2013, more than 4 thousand ambassadors have been trained through an E-Learning, for the detection and prevention of this crime.”

In order to provide support tools to the tourism industry to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and with it, it has been placed within the TOP Member worldwide for its preventive and informative actions on the Code.

ECPAT Mexico and other institutions to prevent all kinds of crimes that threaten the well-being of crew, and passengers.



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