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Our priority, reconstruction and care of children affected by México earthquakes. C & A Foundation and Save the Children

In the days following the earthquakes that affected Mexico on September 7 and 19, Save the Children received 1 million euros as financial support from the C & A Foundation as well as in-kind donations equivalent to more than 40,000 cloth items from
C & A a Mexican clothing maquila mayor supplier.

In addition C & A collaborators in Mexico and Europe raised more than 125 thousand pesos thanks to an online portal, this amount that was duplicated by Fundación C & A.

Save the Children has benefited 94,325 people, of whom 38,000 are children and adolescents in the affected areas in Oaxaca, Puebla, and Morelos.

174 shelters have been set up with Save the Children activities such as sessions of psycho-emotional support, in addition to purchasing clothing, footwear and mats kits to solve some of their immediate needs:

22 temporary classrooms

24 permanent toilets in educational spaces

6 filters for the water on the hostels

Save the Children reported that progress in housing reconstruction is minimal despite the solidarity of citizens and government actions, official data present an alarmingly slow recovery scenario, where barely 28.8% of housing and 66% of schools with total damage at the national level have begun their reconstruction.

In terms of quality education, Save the Children has observed reduced days where it is difficult to cover the curriculum and there is a lack of minimum sanitary facilities.

Save the Children as a C & A Foundation transparency in the use of resources is a priority, so funding and use sources were shared during the conference.

Clarity in the use of resources, as well as the impact and positive changes generated in the living conditions of the participating population, are a priority,” said Fátima Andraca, Emergency Coordinator

Fundación C & A is about to release the second payment of the financial support corresponding specifically to the reconstruction of the affected communities in order to speed up the lifting of housing that has been delayed until now.

C & A and Fundación C & A have maintained an alliance with Save the Children, to send humanitarian support in emergency situations since 2015.

José Luis Cadena Delgado

ME ABOUT MYSELF Audio Wizard and copywriter creating a clear, concise and grammatically correct text Micro & XXXL Blogging constant generation of own analog based photographic material, concepts and propusals in order to have an effective and compelling communication. Mixer of all digital languages. CreativeContentManager developing&maintaining clear and consistent branding. Web markup, search engine optimization.

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